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You may have notice that pages don’t have the option to create an excerpt on the page while a post does in WordPress?
WordPress does not display the excerpt option for pages though you can add this feature by adding a few lines of PHP to the functions file.
By adding the following PHP to the functions file you should see the except meta box being displayed on the page when in editing mode.
function please_add_excerpt_support_for_pages() {
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );
add_action( 'init', 'please_add_excerpt_support_for_pages' );
If you don’t, check the screen options for the page and make sure the excerpt box has been ticked.
By adding the PHP to the functions file it enables the Excerpt meta box in Page edit screen.
BJ2DESIGN offers custom WordPress theme design and development. based on the South Coast near Batemans Bay, working with Canberra based clients is not a problem.
If you are looking for a custom WordPress website or need help with a current website please feel free to get in touch. You can call on (02) 4474 5861 or you can use the contact form on this website.
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Visually communicating effectively with your potential & current customers adds to the good business experience.
BJ2DESIGN combines a wealth of design knowledge with creative business strategies to create result oriented work.