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As of May 5, 2015, BackupBuddy now connects to Google Drive out of the box for remote backups, the below hack is no longer needed.
Read: Instructions for WordPress Backups to Google Drive with BackupBuddy
For the time being I’m going to call this a hack due to the jumping through of hoops to get BackupBuddy to send to Google Drive to use as a back up storage space via Gmail (super kooky). The reason for all the kookiness was the need to get back ups made to my desktop then have further back ups made from there which at the moment BackupBuddy does not do out of the box (it does do a lot of great stuff though).
As you already know using BackupBuddy with Google Drive is not possible directly by adding a remote destination.
Note: Limitation of attachment file size that Gmail will recieve is 25mb, this may change.
Though if you are needing to or want to use your Google Drive account you could do this by setting up a remote destination by using the email option (a Gmail account) then downloading to your Google Drive account. The real key feature will be to then have Gmail automatically download to Google Drive (see solution at the bottom of this page).
Here is a rough outline on what you will need to set up.
In BackupBuddy create a remote destination using the email option, your Gmail account. Set up your BackupBuddy schedule and add your remote destination. (I’m assuming your are familiar with BackupBuddy otherwise the links will explain each one and how to set it up).
In Gmail set up a label so you can then use the filter settings within Gmail.
Now that you have a specific label you can then in your Gmail settings create a filter so that any email coming in which includes the word “BackupBuddy” with an attachment gets added to a mail folder with the label “BackUp”. When your backup is sent from your WordPress site using the BackupBuddy schedule option “BackupBuddy” will appear in the email text.
Once your backup is sent and arrives in your Gmail account you can open the email, mouse over the attachment and two options will appear, one being the option to download to your Google Drive account.
The next step, which requires some homework is to have Gmail automatically save to Google Drive any attachments that appear with the label “BackUp”.
You can then use the following script to have Google Drive download files from your Gmail accounts, thanks to Amit Agarwal.
Last updated on
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